Monday, April 9, 2012

The App That Saved My Life

Found a brand new app that completely got me through the final week of classes, when I had to finish all my essays and assignments. As the ultimate procrastinator, whenever I have something due I get so easily distracted by each and every thing. This is especially true for websites. While most days I really don't know what to do on the internet after an hour or so, if it's 12 a.m. and if I have a paper due the next day, every site is suddenly enthralling. And not just the regulars like facebook or youtube or pintrest or that sort of thing, I'm talking completely random sites. A few weeks ago I read a parenting blog for like two hours. And I have no kids and am no where near that point in my life.

Soo, when a friend showed me SelfControl, it was a lifesaver. I just put in all the websites that distract me and chose a length of time and tada, I was blocked from accessing them. And you can't turn the app off. You can quit the program, restart your computer but those sites will still be blocked. Total lifesaver.

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